Here is an updated How-To for SME7.3
STEP 1: Install SME Server
Carry out standard installation of SME Server
STEP 2: Install of Java 6.0 JRE
Download Linux RPM (self-extracting file) version of Java 6.0 JRE from: (jre-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin @ time of writing)
Copy jre-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin to /root/apps/java on SME Server
Make this file executable, at the console
Java JRE is now installed in usr/java/jre1.6.0_06
STEP 3: Install SSL Explorer
Download current version of SSL Explorer ( from (*you should also register for the free 2 user license at this time)
Extract and copy sslexplorer_linux.rpm to /root/apps/sslexplorer
Run the rpm command on this rpm file
SSl Explorer will be installed to /opt/sslexplorer
If you would like SSL Explorer to be configured as a service.
On SME 6.0-01 only (this step is not necessary on SME Server 7.1) to identify that the operating system is Redhat to the service install script create an empty file /etc/redhat-release
To install the service. Run the following command
So that the service will start automatically, a symbolic link to this service needs to be created in /etc/rc.d/rc7.d
If you want to integrate SSL Explorer with Active Directory the hosts file need to be modified to include an entry for
the domain controler(s).
netbios name of the domain controller.
e.g server.domain.local server
Then use expand-template to create the modified hosts file
STEP 4: Configure SSL Explorer
Run the SSL Explorer Install Wizard:
This will show a URL (http://localhost:28080) to use for initial configuration of SSL Explorer.
Access the web based set up procedure from a browser on a PC on the local network using the URL
Follow "Part Installation Wizard" in the SSL Explorer Getting Started Guide PDF at
In addition you need to change the port for SSL Explorer WEB Server. At Step 4 Configure web server' as Port 443 is already used for HTTPS by the SME Server Web Server, change the port to an unused one.
We used port 28081.
Shutdown SSL Explorer from the Web browser
STEP 5: Start SSL Explorer
Either: If you installed SSL Explorer as a service type:
You can check that the SSL Explorer service has started by:
Or: Run SSL Explorer in console mode, type:
STEP 6: Complete Configuration of SSL Explorer
At a PC on the local network use a browser to go to URL:
https://IP_Address_of_SME_Server:28081 (or whatever port you used in step 4)
Login with superuser username and chosen password to complete configuration of SSL Explorer and as a last step import the license so that you can configure your Network Places.
Now you can begin sharing files, manuals, intranet sites, etc and you will ultimately ask yourself
“how did I ever get along without this sofware?”.
STEP 1: Install SME Server
Carry out standard installation of SME Server
STEP 2: Install of Java 6.0 JRE
Download Linux RPM (self-extracting file) version of Java 6.0 JRE from: (jre-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin @ time of writing)
Copy jre-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin to /root/apps/java on SME Server
Make this file executable, at the console
Code: [Select]
# cd /root/apps/java
# chmod a+x jre-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin
Start installation by extracting rpm from fileCode: [Select]
# ./jre-6u6-linux-i586-rpm.bin
Type yes to agree to the license termsJava JRE is now installed in usr/java/jre1.6.0_06
STEP 3: Install SSL Explorer
Download current version of SSL Explorer ( from (*you should also register for the free 2 user license at this time)
Extract and copy sslexplorer_linux.rpm to /root/apps/sslexplorer
Run the rpm command on this rpm file
SSl Explorer will be installed to /opt/sslexplorer
Code: [Select]
# cd /root/apps/sslexplorer
# rpm -iv sslexplorer_linux.rpm
SSl Explorer will be installed to /opt/sslexplorerIf you would like SSL Explorer to be configured as a service.
On SME 6.0-01 only (this step is not necessary on SME Server 7.1) to identify that the operating system is Redhat to the service install script create an empty file /etc/redhat-release
Code: [Select]
# touch /etc/redhat-release
To install the service. Run the following command
Code: [Select]
# /opt/sslexplorer/install/platforms/linux/install-service -j /usr/java/latest
So that the service will start automatically, a symbolic link to this service needs to be created in /etc/rc.d/rc7.d
Code: [Select]
# cd /etc/rc.d/rc7.d
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/sslexplorer S92sslexplorer
If you want to integrate SSL Explorer with Active Directory the hosts file need to be modified to include an entry for
the domain controler(s).
Code: [Select]
# mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc
# cp -r /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/hosts /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc
#cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/hosts
# touch 30hostname
# pico 30hostname
Enter the IP address for the Domain Controller and fully qualified name of the domain controller followed by thenetbios name of the domain controller.
e.g server.domain.local server
Then use expand-template to create the modified hosts file
Code: [Select]
# /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/hosts
STEP 4: Configure SSL Explorer
Run the SSL Explorer Install Wizard:
Code: [Select]
# cd /opt/sslexplorer
# ./install-sslexplorer
SSL Explorer will start at the console in configuration mode.This will show a URL (http://localhost:28080) to use for initial configuration of SSL Explorer.
Access the web based set up procedure from a browser on a PC on the local network using the URL
Follow "Part Installation Wizard" in the SSL Explorer Getting Started Guide PDF at
In addition you need to change the port for SSL Explorer WEB Server. At Step 4 Configure web server' as Port 443 is already used for HTTPS by the SME Server Web Server, change the port to an unused one.
We used port 28081.
Shutdown SSL Explorer from the Web browser
STEP 5: Start SSL Explorer
Either: If you installed SSL Explorer as a service type:
Code: [Select]
# service sslexplorer start
You can check that the SSL Explorer service has started by:
Code: [Select]
# service sslexplorer status
Or: Run SSL Explorer in console mode, type:
Code: [Select]
# ./sslexplorer-console
STEP 6: Complete Configuration of SSL Explorer
At a PC on the local network use a browser to go to URL:
https://IP_Address_of_SME_Server:28081 (or whatever port you used in step 4)
Login with superuser username and chosen password to complete configuration of SSL Explorer and as a last step import the license so that you can configure your Network Places.
Now you can begin sharing files, manuals, intranet sites, etc and you will ultimately ask yourself
“how did I ever get along without this sofware?”.