How to run Red5Phone within BigBlueButton server
IntroductionRed5Phone, the workarounds, as well as observations/findings.
This page provides steps to run
Install Red5, in this instruction we use the Java 6 windows release
- Download Red5 from
- Extract the downloaded file (e.g. c:\red5-0.7.0 -- let's call this RED5_HOME)
- Download the hotfix ( and put the jetty jars into RED5_HOME/lib. Otherwise, you'll see this
- Download the red5.jar from the red5phone site ( Put it in RED5_HOME and name it red5-sip-0.7.jar so as not to overwrite the original red5.jar
- Download the sip app ( and extract it into RED5_HOME/webapps
- Check if there is a RED5_HOME/wrapper folder. If not, create it. Delete everything inside the wrapper folder.
- Copy RED5_HOME/red5.bat to RED5_HOME/wrapper. 1. Edit the RED5_HOME/wrapper/red5.bat and change
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.jetty.Server
You can get the jetty libs from Remove the old jetty jar versions. Ignore the update jar files from hotfix link as we are only interested in the jetty jars. If you have SVN installed you can do this by:
"svn co"
"%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java" -cp red5.jar;conf;bin org.red5.server.Standalone
to"%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java" -cp ../red5-sip-0.7.jar;../conf;../bin org.red5.server.Standalone
The reason for this is that assumes red5 was started under a "wrapper"
public SIPUser(String sessionID, IConnection service, int sipPort, int rtpPort) throws IOException {
p("SIPUser Constructor: sip port " + sipPort + " rtp port:" + rtpPort);
try {
String appPath = System.getProperty("user.dir");
appPath = appPath.substring(0, (appPath.length() - 8)); // removing /wrapper sub folder from path
configFile = appPath + "/webapps/sip/sip.cfg";
this.sessionID = sessionID;
this.service = service;
this.sipPort = sipPort;
this.rtpPort = rtpPort;
sipInputStream = new PipedInputStream();
rtmpOutputStream = new PipedOutputStream(sipInputStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
p("SIPUser constructor: Exception:>\n" + e);
- Edit webapps/sip/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml with this change
- Create RED5_HOME/wrapper/log folder.
- Run wrapper/red5.bat
- Connect to http://localhost:5080/sip and click on the Flex Phone Template link
- Enter relevant information and click Login. Make sure that your SIP user (in Asterisk) does not have a "secret" (password) entry. Otherwise, registration will fail ( If it does not work, take a look at logs/sip.log for clues. You can also use WireShark ( to capture packets and determine why your client won't register.