
Dimdim Web Meeting Server Version:4.5 ReadMe ( 32 bit Operation System Only )


ldconfig -v |grep libc
    i.e. root@dimdim#ldconfig -v |grep libc

確認是否有以下連結 ->

安裝 OpenOffice:

c) Recomended Install:

Please go to the below URL to download and install OpenOffice v3.0


執行   rpm -ivh *.rpm

安裝 先安裝  python 2.4  套件

4. CherryPy

進入目錄  CherryPy-3.1.0 and chmod +x *
執行    python2.4 install

載入套件  打入    python2.4
              載入    import cherrypy
  Type python2.4
  Type import flup

安裝套件   flup


   解壓縮        tar xvzf flup-1.0.tar.gz
   進入目錄     flup-1.0 and chmod +x *
   執行更新     python2.4 -U setuptools
   執行安裝     python2.4 install

安裝套件  curl

下載 CURL 7.19 from
    解壓縮      tar xzf curl-7.19.0.tar.gz
    進入目錄   cd curl-7.19.0
    設定         ./configure
    編譯         make
    編譯安裝   make install
    連結         ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
                  yum install python-devel
 c) for pycurl installation do as follows:
  easy_install-2.4 pycurl
  cd ..
  Type python2.4
     Type import pycurl
     You should get similar output
     root@dimdim# python2.4
  Python 2.4.3 (r252:60911, Oct  9 2008, 08:13:08)
  [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>>import pycurl
7. demjson
 a) Version Required: v1.3
 b) Check if you have demjson Installed:
  Open a terminal and follow the below steps:
  Type python2.4
  Type import demjson
  You should get similar output
  root@dimdim# python2.4
  Python 2.4.3 (r252:60911, Oct  9 2008, 08:13:08)
  [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>>import demjson
 c) Recomended Install:

 Please go to the below URL to download and install demjson v 1.3

 demjson Installation:
  Open a terminal and follow the below steps:
   a. Download
   b. tar xzf demjson-1.3.tar.gz
   c. cd demjson-1.3 and chmod +x *
   d. python2.4 install
 d) Now please follow above mentioned "step 7-b" by opening a new terminal and assure that demjson is correctly imported in python2.4

8. Python2.5
        Before installation of python2.5 do
 yum install zlib*
 8-a) Download demjson from
  b. tar xvzf Python-2.5.2.tgz
  c. cd Python-2.5.2
  d. ./configure
  e. make && make install


      NOTE: BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER PLEASE NOTE THAT we need pycurl,demjson,flup,cherrypy modules in python 2.5 also.To
      do this follow below steps.It will be using the same cherrypy,flup,demjson,pycurl which you have already downloaded
      in above steps 4-7.Now configure those with python2.5 as follows

 8-b) CherryPy for python2.5
  Version Required: v3.1
     a. Go to the directory where you downloaded the cherrypy package.
  b. cd CherryPy-3.1.0
  c. python2.5 install
  d. rm -rf CherryPy-3.1.0
  e. rm -rf
  You should be out of Cherrypy-3.1.0 directory and then
  Type python2.5
     Type import cherrypy
     You should get similar output which indicates that cherrypy is successfully installed with python2.5
     root@dimdim# python2.5
  Python 2.5.X (r252:60911, Oct  9 2008, 08:13:08)
  [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>>import cherrypy
  Above output indicates that cherrypy is installed and imported in Python2.5 correctly.  

 8-c) Flup for python2.5

  a. Version Required: v1.0

  b. Go to the directory where you downloaded flup

  c. cd flup-1.0 and chmod +x *

  d. python2.5 -U setuptools

  e. python2.5 install

  f. rm -rf flup-1.0
  g. rm -rf flup-1.0.tar.gz

  Open a terminal or move out from flup-1.0 directory and follow the below steps:
  Type python2.5
  Type import flup
  You should get similar output
  root@dimdim# python2.5
  Python 2.5.X (r252:60911, Oct  9 2008, 08:13:08)
  [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>>import flup
  Above output indicates that flup is installed and imported in Python2.5 correctly.

 8-d) demjson for python2.5
  a. Version Required: v1.3
  b. Go to the directory where you downloaded demjson i.e. cd demjson-1.3
  c. cd demjson-1.3 and chmod +x *
  d. python2.5 install
  e. rm -rf demjson-1.3
  f. rm -rf demjson-1.3.tar.gz

  Now to check you must change your directory cd .. and then
  Type python2.5
  Type import demjson
  You should get similar output
  root@dimdim# python2.5
  Python 2.5.X (r252:60911, Oct  9 2008, 08:13:08)
  [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>>import demjson

 Above output indicates that demjson is installed and imported in Python2.5 correctly.

 8-e) pycurl for python2.5
  a) Version Required: v7.19
  b) Now we can proceed on pycurl installion for python2.5 .
  c)for python2.5 pycurl installation do as follows:
  easy_install-2.5 pycurl
  Type python2.5
     Type import pycurl
     You should get similar output
     root@dimdim# python2.5
  Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  9 2008, 08:13:08)
  [GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>>import pycurl

9. Port availability

 Port 80, 1935, 40000, 40001, 40002 , 40005 must be free in the machine on which you intend to install Dimdim Web Meeting Server.

 The Dimdim Servers use ports 80 &1935 for external communication. But port 80 alone is enough to be opened for external communication.
 In addition, ports 40000/ 40001/ 40002 / 40005 must be free for internal communication.


Installation Steps:

Step 1: Download dimdim rpm package

Step 2: Install rpm package by typing the command rpm -ivh Dimdim-4.5_SF_i386.rpm in a terminal

 Dimdim-4.5 will be installed under location /usr/local and a soft link for dimdim will be created under /usr/local.
        The place holder will exactly look like
        --- usr


Step 3: By default, ip address of ethernet 0 interface of the box is configured for Dimdim Server.

 i) To stop Dimdim, open a terminal and enter stopDimdim
 ii) To start Dimdim, open a terminal and enter startDimdim.
 To start the meeting do

Note: If the ip address is not the same or if you need to configure with different IP address, follow the below steps:

Step A: Get the IP Address of the machine
        root@localhost dimdim]# ifconfig eth0
        The output will look like:
             eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:CA:FA:7C
            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  The IP Address for the above example is

Step b: Configure all the Dimdim components
  There may be two cases:
  1. Network has public and private IP mapping,
   ExternalIP:port --> Internal:port 
    Please note that port should be same, Port 80 is recommended.
    For example: 123.X.X.X:80 ---> 192.168.X.X:80
     publicIP is mapped to privateIP
   Use like below
    cd /usr/local/dimdim
    ./ 123.X.X.X 80 192.168.X.X
  2. VM has a singleIP, There is no network mapping(no Network Address Translation):
   Use like below
    cd /usr/local/dimdim
    ./ 123.X.X.X 80

Step c: On completion of configuration, open a terminal and enter the command "startDimdim". This will start all the Dimdim components.
To ensure all Dimdim Components are started, check the status of the Dimdim Components.

You are now ready to start meeting. Start the meeting by providing the URL http://<IPAddressORHostnameConfigured>/dimdim/.
Please note the trailing slash is required in the URL after dimdim.Example

Dimdim Sever Machine Restart:

When the machine where Dimdim Server installed is restarted,
 open a terminal and type startDimdim - This will start Dimdim Server

Dimdim SMTP Server Configuration :

Please note that the current smtp settings are just sample setting. It is adviced that you change these settings to your own smtp configuration.

Below is suggested way to modify the smtp configuration

1) Open configuration file

Go to folder cd /<dimdim_home>/ConferenceServer/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/webapps/dimdim/WEB-INF/classes/resources/

i.e. cd /usr/local/dimdim/ConferenceServer/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/webapps/dimdim/WEB-INF/classes/resources/

2) Modify the below settings as suggested. Please note that setting "dimdim.smtptype" needs to be configured depending on the type of smtp server.

## Email Parameters that can be configured by the user.
email.server=<gmail smtp server address>
email.user=<your gmail id>
email.password=<your gmail account password>
email.sender=<your gmail account id>
email.EMAIL_SUBJECT = has invited you to a Dimdim web meeting.
email.EMAIL_FROM_PERSON=DimDim Invitations
email.EMAIL_FROM=<your gmail account id>
email.EMAIL_REPLY_TO=<your gmail account id>
##  This property refers to type of the SMTP Server
##  1 : Non SSL SMTP Server i.e. Dimdim SMTP Server
##  2 : SSL SMTP Server  i.e. gmail SMTP Server



Step 1: rpm -e  dimdim

 All the Dimdim Components installed by rpm package will be removed.

     1. Please don't try to change the IP Address or port numbers for the Dimdim components by directly
        going to the components' folder.
     2. This Dimdim pack is only for 32-bit Operating System machines.
     3. This is tested with CentOS 5.2.      


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